My Highlights of 2016

So here is my first blog post of 2017!! :)
Happy New Year!! Hope it's going fabulously do far..
What better way to start of the new year then taking a look back on all the good things that happened in the year gone by?..

Number 1 on my list of highlights of 2016 has to be celebrating my 1st year in business. :) Having my own business has its up's & down's but I love every minute of it! There are a lot of scary moments when all the final decisions are up to you but it is also so rewarding when you see all the happy clients returning & hearing all their wonderful feedback. I have learnt I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all my loyal clients! :) Athrú is most definitely my biggest achievement to date & I can't wait to celebrate our 2nd Birthday In February!

Number 2 on the list is creating a magical home with my beautiful boyfriend. Having a place to call our own had been on our list for what felt like a every long time & I have to say it was really worth the wait... Even I would not have said that in the making of it, I had absolutely no patience left leading up to the end.

Number 3 is my new baby... My blog, I had wanted to start a blog for a very long time & I decided to take the plunge after attending one of Suzanne Jackson's Workshop's. Hearing about her experiences & how she made it in the blogging world inspired me to create my own. & in 2017 I intend on spending more time on making All Things Hair bigger & better.

Number 4 is my crazy weekend in Lisbon with the girls. Lisbon was a weekend to remember which I previously blogged about See It Here We made memories we will always remember. :)

Number 5 on my list is welcoming my beautiful new niece Ciara to the family. Ciara decided to make a surprise entrance before Christmas making our family Christmas complete with her big sister Éabha. Another addition to our all girl family team, wouldn't dad be proud of all his girls.

So there are my biggest highlights of 2016,
Let's make 2017 even more memorable.


Snapchat: athruhairsalon


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