Hair Guide For 2017

New Year New Trends... 
Every year we are presented with new trends whether it's fashion, makeup or hair styles, we all want to get that "on-trend" look! Over the years we have seen many hair trends from the classic perms to the iconic "Rachel" haircut! 

Hair is a huge part of our appearance, it's one of the first things that people will see when they first meet you. Your hair color can be a great way to express your personality. And what better way to start the new year then with a new hair color?! 

Here are some of trends I think we are gonna being seeing this year..

Rose Gold
Rose gold has taken over the past year from iPhones to homeware. Rose gold hair is the one hair color trend that is blowing up Instagram at the moment.

Denim Dye
Every girl loves good pair of denims... But what about taking it to the next level and having denim hair?? I'm still on the fence about this trend, don't get me wrong I love blue hair!! It's gorgeous but it isn't so fun to maintain it, it fades quickly & it tends to start going a bit green when it fades!! Nobody wants green hair do they?

There is a new trend on the rise and it's called "Blorange" As you might guess from it's name it's Blonde plus Orange, think Strawberry Blonde but cooler... Blorange is very similar to Rose Gold but it has a peachier tone to it. 

Pastel Balayage
I think this trend might actually be a big hit this year, it has of everything going on.. With Balayage you don't have to worry about the re-growth, which we all love! It has the lighter ends without being too blonde and it has something different with the pastel shades don't running through without it being too over the top or in your face. 

 Pinky Hues
I know some of this colors aren't for everyone and some people are creatures of habit, they are too scared to try something new with their hair with the fear of hating it. But you never know until you try right?? Well this trend is a bit more subtle and will be a big hit with a lot more people.


So there you go they are my hair trends for 2017. I hope ye enjoy them!! 


photo credits: pinterest & google


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