I think everyone has heard the name Olaplex at least once, we are pretty familiar with it at this stage. It's all over the internet at the moment, we see all the bloggers raving about it & lots of salons advertising it. But many people still don't fully understand what Olaplex is or what it does for your hair.

Olaplex is different from anything else on the market, it is also Patented so no matter hard companies try they will never have the exact same formula as Olaplex. 

With lightening, colouring and heat-styling we are damaging our hair a bit every time & it is hard to find a good defense for our hair. So when the bonds within our hair get damaged, it affects the strength and condition of our hair. This can be when we lose that amazing shine we once had or we notice our hair breaking when we comb it. 

Olaplex has claimed to change the world of hair colour and condition & I agree 100%! I have so many clients that I would have never lightened their hair before Olaplex now they can have amazing blonde hair. I have found that I can achieve brighter, cleaner blondes when I use Olaplex compared to when I don't. 99% of the time when I explain to a client what Olaplex is & what it does to the hair they opt to add it to their colour service. 


Our simple three-step process includes a patented active ingredient that works on a molecular level to seek out broken bonds in the hair that are caused by chemical, thermal, and mechanical damage. You can use Olaplex to restore compromised hair, or add it to another service to provide the ultimate breakage insurance.
* Olaplex site

Olaplex has 3 steps...
No. 1 Bond Multiplier. This is the concentrated first salon only step to rebuild broken bonds and begin the repairing process & prevents further damage. This step is applied into your colour before it is applied.

No. 2 Bond Perfector. This is the second salon step it continues to restore and rebuild any remaining bonds that might be broken ensuring the strongest, healthiest and shiniest hair possible. This step is applied at the basin when your colour has been rinsed out.

No.3 Hair Perfector. This is the final retail step. This step provides protection from any ongoing damage at home. 

Using your Olaplex No.3 at home...
Step 1 : Dampen your hair and then towel dry. * do not have your hair dripping wet, also if you have product build-up in your hair give it one shampoo first.
Step 2 : Apply 1-3 teaspoons of Olaplex and spread it evenly throughout your hair, comb it through.
Step 3 : Leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes, preferably if possible leave on up to 30mins.
Step 4 : Rinse Olaplex out well and go on to use a high quality shampoo and condition. Olaplex recommend using a professional salon retail shampoo & conditioner.

No.3 Top Tips 
For damaged hair use once a week
For severely damaged hair use 2-3 times a weeks
Once healthy looking hair is achieved continue to use your No.3 1-2 times a month for maintenance.


If you have any other questions about Olaplex or would like to purchase Olaplex No.3 you can either send us an email at athruhairsalon@gmail.com
or snapchat us athruhairsalon
or pop into us at the salon.



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