We know at the moment things might be tough & we might have more time on our hands due self isolation and it might seem the cheaper option tide you over til you get to see your hairdresser again but we beg you please DO NOT USE HOME COLOUR! 

Some facts you need to know:
The colour on the box is only an indication of the colour on 100% white hair
That box is playing a very good trick on you, how does that box know what your
- Natural Color is?
- How much Grey you have?
- What the condition your hair is in?
-Is you hair different texture or colours in areas?

All these answers play a major factor in the formula/formulas us hairdressers choose to apply to your hair.

Have you skin tested to be sure your not allergic to this box colour?
Some box colour brands contain Metallic dyes, ( which most likely will cause a chemical reaction )

Professional Salon Hair Colour contains the correct amount of developer your hair needs, Shop box colours have a standard developer which in many cases may over process hair with chemicals not needed.

More then likely whatever you are putting onto your hair you will end up seeing a band beecause:
-It's a different brand to what your hairdresser uses.
-Your application will be messy and overlap on your previous colour.

Oh yes then there is a timing issue when home colouring it takes you longer to pop your colour on which
means you will have different delevopment times in all areas of your head. This will give you beautiful uneven finish...

And if your think bout a full head of bleach... stop right there!! Don't even go there we rarely do full bleach ups in the salon.
You also may think your now a pro at Ombre and Balayage after watching all them Youtube videos but your not it's not just about technique its about the formula too both play a major part in the finished result.

There are so many cons to using box dye at home, I could list them all day long but I know at this tough time you may be very tempted to reach for it but just think if you do then you should expect your next trip to your hairdressers will be treble the price & the time!! That's if the damage isn't too bad to correct. Colour corrections take lots of time, products, Olaplex & money.

Our best advice to you is to wait it out til we get back to the salon & in the meantime grab yourself a root touch up spray to tide yourself over.


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